• Journal Writing with the Angels

    As a Life Purpose Alchemist, I attract highly-creative and spiritually-minded individuals who are looking for more meaning in their lives, both personally and professionally. They want to feel more connected by being fully present in each and every moment, receiving the divine messages that are intended to guide them on the next phase of their life’s journey. I call these divine messages “synchronicities” – and they can show up anytime, anywhere – and from anyone. They can even come from the angelic realm. Today, I’ve invited Angelic Life Coach, Peg Jones to share how we can connect with our own angels through journal writing. Peg recently released her book, Living in the Heart Place with Your Angels: Daily Angelical Whispers Throughout the Year – and has lots of wisdom to share.…

  • Are You Going through Business Menopause?

    Like so many of my friends and colleagues, I’m going through some major changes right now, both personally and professionally. A lot is shifting within me and around me. It feels as if the energy of the old ways of doing and being are moving out – making room for new possibilities and opportunities. I’ve been doing a lot of journal writing and working with many of my favorite oracle decks. I’ve also been taking a multitude of walks on the many nature trails that are available here on Cape Cod. It’s a highly-reflective and contemplative time in my life right now. And what I’m noticing, having turned 50 years old back in May, is the reality that my physical body is changing. I’m moving into a stage…

  • The Importance of Unconditional Acceptance

    Today, I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 3 of Daniel Parmeggiani’s Virtual Blog Tour, whose new book, The Magnificent Truths of Our Existence, is currently celebrating its official launch. Daniel Parmeggiani is a modern-day spiritual teacher whose approach is unaligned with any particular religion or tradition. Driven by intense psychological turmoil when he was younger, Daniel discovered within himself a deeper reality that he says not only saved his life, but also showed him the way to permanent happiness and inner peace. Those revelations became the foundation of his book, The Magnificent Truths of Our Existence. Yesterday, Daniel visited Mali Apple’s ‘The Soulmate Experience’ blog at http://www.thesoulmateexperience.com/blog/, where they talked about how to increase our ability to love. Today, I’d like…