• From Anxiety to Love

    Ever since I began my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve been told by business coaches and consultants, “People pay for speed.” I’ve watched companies compete for contracts saying, “We can do it faster.” I’ve observed executives and managers pushing their employees and team members to “get it done NOW.” And as a mother of two teenagers, I’ve noticed this same obsession showing up in the area of education. I’ve heard countless politicians, analysts, and various experts go on and on about “the race to the top” – where states (and countries) race to get student test scores to the top of the list as quickly as possible. I’ve even noticed in the medical field, our tendency to over-prescribe medications, looking for that “quick-fix.” No one has the…

  • Managing the Ebb and Flow of Life

    American writer and mystic, Thomas Merton once said, “We cannot be happy if we expect to live all the time at the highest peak of intensity. Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.”  This speaks to the ebb and flow of life. Humans aren’t machines. We don’t have a constant source of power from which we draw upon – to perform complicated functions all the time without breaks. Rather, our power supplies (our energy and emotional levels) dip and rise with each hour of the day – and even wax and wane on a much larger level. We either find ourselves in periods of great motivation and energy – or in periods where we just want…